Monday, May 2, 2011

Code + circuiting progress

Moving forward we have created some pseudo code as well as have started some real code. We determined that our device only has to be temperature based now which simplified our circuit substantially and the core of our processing will take place in the code. Here are a few pictures to show our circuit with our thermistor and light sensor connected:

Here is the stage our real code is at as well:

// set device to turn on time if temp is above safe

//check if box was just closed
//ask for category

//# define BUTTON 6, defines which pin button input is in
# define THERM // 13, defines which pin thermistor is in
# define LIGHT // 9, defines which pin light sensor is in
# define LED 10 // placeholder to see if works

int temp = 0 // stores temperture read by thermistor
int val = 0 // stores light val from light sensor
int unsafe > 40 // sets unsafe temp to be greater than 40 degrees

void setup()
pinMode(THERM, INPUT); // sets the digital pin as input
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // LED will show detection

void loop()
temp = digitalRead(THERM); // read input value and store
unsafe = temp > 40 // not sure if this will work

if temp = unsafe + tcount = 1
timestamp = timet()

if temp = unsafe + count > 1
timeelaspe = timet - timestamp

else {
count = 0
time = time - timeelaspe
timeelaspe = 0


// void loop()
// {
// val = digitalRead(LIGHT); // read input value and store

// if val >

Finally, we decided that the actuator/affordance we are going to display is a mold pattern in photo-chromatic paint (sensitive when exposed to UV light). More to come!

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