Thursday, April 26, 2012

BRIDGET/SHELBY (BS) vs. ARDUINO, part the third

For this installment of BS vs. ARDUINO, our as yet undefeated victors/heroes challenge Arduino UNO to a fierce battle of wits. The Arduino has chosen his weapon, and he has decided to defend himself with... a CDS photocell!!! Team BS has proven itself to be a fearless competitor in the ring, but this is a great challenge, indeed! We are excited to see this play out!

 Team BS gears up for the big fight against the mighty Arduino by plugging in the photocell, LEDs, and resistors into the breadboard, hooking it up to the Arduino with breadboard wires.

Then they write the code to correspond with the setup of all of the elements. In an attempt to make two LEDs react in opposite ways to light or darkness being sensed, they base their code off of a simple photocell test sketch, and use two analogWrite functions to make one fade and one brighten (the second argument of the function was positive for one, negative for the other). They face a bit of difficulty in figuring it all out, but they manage to pull it off!

Low light (finger covering photocell, blue light bright/green light dim):

Bright light (room light, blue light dim/green light bright):

Arduino + sensor, defeated!

(video to come soon)

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