Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ryan and Dave pt.2

Situation #1: While watching TV or listening to music, changing listening conditions or playback levels require the listener to continually adjust the volume to match changing conditions. (This may occur due to extreme differences in dialog vs. sound effects in movies, changes in playback levels between music tracks or during commercials, or changes in ambient noise levels due to changes in room or vehicle noise.)

1. Reduce/increase the volume as ambient noise changes.
2. Detect changes in signal strength and adjust volume accordingly.
3. (In a vehicle) match the volume to vehicle speed.
4. Normalize the signal in real time. (Would require a signal delay and buffer)
5. Change the ambient noise level.
Scenario 1.3: Since the ‘road noise’ encountered in a moving vehicle is a combination of both mechanical noise from the engine, transmission, exhaust, and tires, and air flow over the car as a result of both the car’s movement and wind, measuring the vehicle’s speed directly is insufficient since it does not factor in wind. A microphone might be considered but it would also pick up sound from the speakers as well. Either additional sensors would be required to allow for the car’s sound system, or samples would need to be taken without the sound system playing. An alternative means of gauging noise while eliminating the need to factor in the contribution of the stereo itself would be the use of a flex sensor (SEN-10264, The sensor could be sandwiched between two plastic strips of appropriate stiffness and mounted externally. As airspeed over the car increases, the assembly would flex. The resulting signal could be processed and used to adjust the volume.

Situation #2: Before committing to a parking space and the possible embarrassment or damage that a failed attempt might result in, drivers might find it helpful to know if there is adequate room for their vehicle.

1. Directly compare the size of the vehicle to the size of the space. (Project representative points into the space)
2. Indirectly compare the size of the vehicle to the size of the space. (Measure the space)
3. Determine how much room there is to maneuver (parallel) or free space (Nose in).
4. Visualize the path that will result from current steering wheel position.
5. Receive early warnings of contact with other vehicles or obstructions.

Scenario 2.2: By using Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 Distance Sensor - – the distance in a parallel space could be measured by stopping next to one car and measuring the distance to the next car. If the sensor were to be mounted at a shallow angle, allowing it to look ahead, it could first return a true/false value to the program (false when a sudden increase in distance is sensed, indicating an opening) it could then return a distance to the next true value, indicating the next car. The arduino could then calculate the opening and alert the driver if the space is within parameters.

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