Thursday, May 3, 2012

Miles & Kim: Planned Sensors & Actuators

For our toothbrushing concept, we have settled on creating a fun experience that you want to revisit again and again, while collecting aggregate data for your overall tooth health and reporting it back to you.

When the user enters the bathroom they pick up their toothbrush from the circular holder. This relieves the small pressure sensor that is located in the bottom of the cup. By removing the pressure, a wall mounted Arduino speaks to an Ipad, tablet, or some other sort of wall mounted screen with computer capabilities. Some resources that would be helpful in connecting the Arduino to the Ipad or tablet include a RedPark Serial Cable.

Once the user begins the process of brushing their teeth, an accelerometer located within the toothbrush is activated. After 3 seconds of continuous vigorous movement, it begins a countdown to three minutes of desired tooth brushing. The shape of this toothbrush could be created with a laser printer, or by disassembling a previously made toothbrush. The accelerometer inside could be powered by a mini arduino  with wireless capabilities (by attaching a wifi shield) and batteries. Other options for Internet connection and communication with the tablet or Ipad include purchasing an entirely new Arduino, called Arduino BT which has bluetooth connection built in, or attaching a bluetooth shield.

During this three minute process the Ipad runs an application that uses a "scraper" to collect videos from Reddit that are approximately three minutes long. We chose to go with Reddit since it is an already highly curated site that updates with new content constantly. The quality of the videos is also high in novelty which would keep the user coming back to brush their teeth and looking forward to the videos. You can find examples of what we are talking about here:

Another possible consideration we are having is if the user could preselect a subreddit and read a post or several curated posts under that subreddit. For example /r/aww which showcases cute animal videos and images only.

At the end of the three minute duration, the app would let the user know statistically how well they have been doing at brushing their teeth for a decided amount of time (week, month). This aggregated data would give the user an overall idea of how well they were doing and encourage them to have better teeth brushing habits.

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