Monday, May 6, 2013

Nick/Mason ~ Readin 'Duinos

This week Nick and I taught our Arduino to read values from a Text file (.txt) to blink LEDs Processing reads the text file in real time, only sending new information to the Arduino. Later we will implement live updating text from a weather source that gives the Arduino weather interpreting capabilities.

The Processing code used is shown below:
import processing.serial.*;
int mySwitch=0;
int counter=0;
String [] subtext;
Serial myPort;
void setup(){
//Create a switch that will control the frequency of text file reads.//When mySwitch=1, the program is setup to read the text file.//This is turned off when mySwitch = 0 mySwitch=1;
//Open the serial port for communication with the Arduino//Make sure the COM port is correct myPort = new Serial(this, "COM6", 9600);
void draw() {
if (mySwitch>0){
/*The readData function can be found later in the code. This is the call to read a CSV file on the computer hard-drive. */ readData("Users/Nick/SensorData.txt");
/*The following switch prevents continuous reading of the text file, until we are ready to read the file again. */ mySwitch=0;
/*Only send new data. This IF statement will allow new data to be sent to the arduino. */if(counter<subtext.length){
/* Write the next number to the Serial port and send it to the Arduino There will be a delay of half a second before the command is sent to turn the LED off : myPort.write('0'); */ myPort.write(subtext[counter]);
//Increment the counter so that the next number is sent to the arduino. counter++;
} else{
//If the text file has run out of numbers, then read the text file again in 5 seconds. delay(5000);
/* The following function will read from a CSV or TXT file */void readData(String myFileName){
File file=new File(myFileName);
BufferedReader br=null;
br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
String text=null;
/* keep reading each line until you get to the end of the file */while((text=br.readLine())!=null){
/* Spilt each line up into bits and pieces using a comma as a separator */ subtext = splitTokens(text,",");
}catch(FileNotFoundException e){
}catch(IOException e){
try {
if (br != null){
} catch (IOException e) {

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