Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Trash Talk | Audio Struggles! | Sam + Willie

The keystone of Trash Talk is audio feedback. But damn it was a struggle! Initially, Willie purchased a WAVE Shield from Adafruit, which we had to completely solder and construct on our own:

This board is designed to only play .WAV files, and only from very specific FAT16 formatted SD card. It was really tough to get working, and I actually soldered one of the ICs (Integrated Circuits) in backwards, which led to it not working (shocker!). So we ordered replacement components.

But while we were waiting, we found a Seeeduino MP3 Shield at Radio Shack. We were really excited because it seemed like this would be a much easier to use board, everything came pre-soldered and would play MP3 files without us needing to convert the audio to .WAV format. But this board is has terrible documentation, the library doesn't work with current Arduino, and we couldn't make it do anything. Struggles!

But then I found the MP3 Player Shield on sparkfun! It came pre-soldered, could read mp3 files, AND there was a super simple library for it! And it worked!

So, word to the wise, if you want sound with your Arduino, then go for this MP3 Shield.

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