Friday, June 13, 2014

Laser Cutting Taller Objects (over 2" and up to 9" or so)

An interesting complication in building the Plantarduino box was that we put it together too soon and it became hard to make decisions later. We were too constrained by the form unless we wanted to build a new one. Later we realized we could use the box but we needed to laser cut  it assembled.

After talking and checking out a few laser cutters, we learned that we couldn't cut anything that was taller than a few inches. The box was 7" tall when on its side.

One night that we were working in the metals shop, I look closer at the laser cutter and noticed that you can remove the material holding tray completely and stick a 10" tall object! I then modified the Z axis on the computer program and voila! We did a incision on out 7" tall box!!!

I put a block of wood in the box to protect the bottom from the laser and it was a good idea because the laser did reach all the way through.

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