Friday, June 13, 2014

Lum: An arduino-powered smoke detector

Lum is a Arduino-powered smoke detector that combines motion, light and smoke inputs to improve alerts and make sure they only happen when you want them to. With Lum, we emphasized visual alerts using Neopixel LED’s and sound through a speaker and the tone library. If there is a false alarm, the PIR motion detector will silence the alarms with the wave of a hand.  Given a light threshold, Lum acts as an ambient light. Lum is a smoke detector for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Bloggen var helt fantastisk! Masse flott informasjon som kan være nyttig i noen eller den andre veien. Holde oppdatere bloggen, ser frem til mer innhold ... Flott jobb, holder den opp ..
    Brannvern Larvik
