Thursday, June 4, 2015

About Our Neopixel Lights [Jessica and Gloria]

NeoPixel Rainbow Stick for Arduino - 1x8 WS2812B (WS2811) Addressable RGB LED with Integrated Drivers

Here are the NeoPixel lights that we purchased for our lamp. Note that these were NOT made by Adafruit but by some foreign company called Nulsom. They work just fine (bright, doesn't get hot, chainable) BUT if you are interested in buying Neopixel lights for this class, I'd recommend getting the ones made by Adafruit just because more people use them and it's easier to find examples of the light codes online. However, the Nulsom ones that we purchased were significantly cheaper ($7.95)

3 NeoPixel Lights x $7.95  = $23.85

Edit: These actually work with the Adafruit library as well! I 100% recommend them! 

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