Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Soldering tips & tricks | Hsuanting + Melinda

We used a simple wire cutter to remove the rubber coating. To protect the soldered wires, we just used electrical tape. While we were soldering, we had the problem of accidentally putting too much soldering iron at the connection point. It is important to keep in mind not to ruin the connection while adding the soldering iron. Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid the solder joints if you need to bend the wire. After we assembled our lamp and the pieces of the stand, we realized that the LEDs wire was too tall for our stand and we had to bend it to make it fit into the cramped space. Since we couldnt reach into the hole we created to bend the wire, we had to settle with just pressing down on the LED and hoping that it would bend properly. This caused the soldering joint, which was the weakest point, to slightly disconnect and we had issues with connectivity for the LED after that.

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