Sunday, April 3, 2016

Chaeji's Processing Experiment

For this assignment I decided to play with the example for "Pointillism" in Processing.
The original file drew a white background with ellipses that changed sizes based on the horizontal location of the mouse (the more left your mouse was, the smaller the ellipses were). It took in an image called "moonwalk" that would change the color of the ellipse based on the pixels in the image.
My new version of the example uses the x location of the mouse to determine where the new shape would be located by setting x equal to mouseX (instead of int(random(img.wdith)); like the original). I also change the shape to be a rectangle rather than a circle, and the size of the shape was reversed so that the left side would increase the size rather than decrease. This was done by changing the last two parameters of the map() to be 100 and 10 respectively (for the largePoint and smallPoint values). Lastly, I made the colors change depending on the pixels of the image, added to a value of 50.

This assignment was a great refresher for me because I haven't used processing in our sophomore class. Being able to simply change a original file instead of starting from scratch really helped with finding a starting point and simply experimenting with how the program works. Also, I can't forget about Google. Searching for how to do something was the greatest resource for this project.

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