Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sarah's Processing Assignment

Processing Assignment
I had a grand old time refreshing my brain on coding. In the past I have never much enjoyed it, and I'm still not sure I do, but it was fun to take the time to review and give it another, (hopefully better) shot. 

I decided to combine the RandomGaussian sketch with the RadialGradient, and then to review all the existing mechanics to get a feel for what was going on. Just as a quick reference:

Then I made a bunch of changes. And now here I sit trying to recall all the things I've tweaked.. 

I "smooshed" (yes, that is a technical term) the circles from the second sketch into the first circle archetype. After tying the circle printing to mouse movements, I changed the parameters of several of the variables and objects, occasionally adding randomized methods in. Got a good review on how to call and input variables from other methods, how to initiate variables, and what I think is a unique incrementing mechanism in Processing, if I remember anything about my very basic Java training at all. I want to love math, but it still doesn't love me, a lot of the proportional changes were guess and check. 

What doesn't not appear in the final product is an attempt at a photo print, a Processing feature I was not familiar with at all. Read a good bit of syntax help, and couldn't figure it out. Its probably something very simple to fix it, but I am unsure. Despite that failure I got a good review of loops, and I think I can use them better in this class than I have in the past. 

Well, here it is! 

I basically made a slightly opaque blinking fireball. Brilliant. Overall a fun experiment though. Looking forward to learning how to apply more feasible/physical operations to real life stuff. 

(partner: Maureen McLennon)

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