Sunday, April 3, 2016

Logan's Processing Post

The first example I worked with was Sine. Basically, the size of each circle was dependent on the output of a sine function at various angles. The angle would change by small increments after each image was drawn.

By adding smaller white circles inside a for loop I was able to depict a sine wave that matches the size of the larger circles. I also changed the colors of the large circles based on their size. Essentially, the value for the size of the first circle was the red value of one circle, the green value of the next, and the blue value of the third. This makes it so that each of the three circles are not all the same color.

My second example was working with Directional Lights. Two spheres were depicted lit by a light source bound to the mouse.

I decided to change one of the spheres into a cube and then allow that cube to rotate based on x and y position of the mouse. The color of the light also changes based on the position of the mouse.


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