Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Raj and Abe : Autable : Blogpost 9

This blogpost is centered around the code driving the table itself. Initially, the table was going to use pressure to send MIDI note values to Ableton Live via Hairless MIDI Serial.

After doing a bunch of prototyping, we settled on using MIDI cc to control the volume of 24 different channels in ableton live and then to take a more sample based approach rather than instrumental. Here is how the final code turned out:

While the code is very repetitive because were are simply reading values from many of the same analog sensors, troubleshooting the project was sometimes a nightmare. Pinpointing which sensors were broken and which ones weren't was a nightmare because it was hard to read large streams of data in the serial monitor. In an effort to make this easier we wrote a processing debugging sketch. Check it:

Overall, our approach to this project was straightforward.

What is nice about this approach as it allowed us to keep the programming relatively simple and to focus more on programming the audio within ableton.

Here is a screenshot of the condensed ableton file:

And a more expanded view:


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