Sunday, April 7, 2019

Pulsating Recursion

For this assignment I modified the Recursion example, as shown below:

 * Recursion.
 * A demonstration of recursion, which means functions call themselves.
 * Notice how the drawCircle() function calls itself at the end of its block.
 * It continues to do this until the variable "level" is equal to 1.

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);

void draw() {
  drawCircle(width/2, 280, 6);

void drawCircle(int x, int radius, int level) {                 
  float tt = 126 * level/4.0;
  ellipse(x, height/2, radius*2, radius*2);   
  if(level > 1) {
    level = level - 1;
    drawCircle(x - radius/2, radius/2, level);
    drawCircle(x + radius/2, radius/2, level);

I liked the idea of recursion but I wanted to add some dynamic elements: Here's my final code:

 * Pulsating Recursion.

int rspeed = 2;
int xspeed = 1;
int r;
int x;
int y = height/2;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);

void draw() {

  rspeed = changeSpeed(0,150,r, rspeed);
  xspeed = changeSpeed(-200,200,x,xspeed);

  r = r+rspeed;
  x = x+xspeed;

  drawCircle(width/2+x, r, 10,y);

int changeSpeed(int min, int max, int input, int inputSpeed){
  if(input > max || input < min){
    inputSpeed = inputSpeed*-1;
  return inputSpeed;

void drawCircle(int x, float radius, int level,int y) {             
  float tt = 60 * level/4.0;
  ellipse(x, y+120, radius*2, radius*2);   
  if(level > 1) {
    level = level - 1;
    drawCircle(x, radius/1.2, level,y);

To do this, I added a loop that incremented the radius and x-position of the recursive circles. To increment these values I created a function called changeSpeed that makes it easy to modify the dynamics of the pulsating circles. While the initial recursive pattern was cool, I modified it to be more simple, so that it acted like a pulse. To do this, I made all the circles concentric and added several more layers of recursion.

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