Saturday, April 4, 2020

Processing Experimentation: Exploding Puppy

From the original demo "Explode" by Daniel Shiffman, the program takes an image and divides it into tiny pixel squares that create an explode effect outwards in the z-axis as the user moves the mouse laterally across the artboard. 


In my edit, I wanted to emphasize the "explosiveness" of the motion and increased the z distance of the pixels. I also changed the pixel size and shape to circles from squares, adjusted the artboard and position of the photo, as well as changing the image to a picture of a puppy. 

However, I noticed that in the demo above, the pixels that are in the darkest part of the image (the puppy's nose) were the last to leave the artboard. Curious, I explored how I could manipulate the order in which the pixels would "explode." The expression in line 31 tells us that as the user moves their mouse at a certain y-coordinate, it manipulates the pixels based on it's brightness. The brightness is affected by how much light is in a hue and the color values range from 0 to 255. Taking that in mind, I tried subtracting the expression by 255. The outcome was exactly as shown below.
The exploding effect worked inversely; the brightest colored pixels leaving the artboard last. 

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