Saturday, June 13, 2020

Final Prank Documentation

Ultimately, I couldn't finish my final prank. I had completed the main part of my project that would alert me when my cat was on the counter by flashing the LED and playing an alarm whenever he covered up the LDR. After this, I tried to connect a servomotor in the hopes that I could use it to drop a small cup of water onto my cat in addition to alerting me.

This didn't go well. When I first researched how to connect the servo motor to my existing project, I was told to connect to GND and 5V. Unfortunately, I was already using 5V to connect to the LDR so I was unsure of what to do. In the hopes of making this work, I tried connecting the servomotor to the other available GND and 3.3V rather than 5V. I learned that this was a mistake, as after I moved away I accidentally grazed the Arduino board and electrocuted my finger.

Overall, I was unable to connect the servomotor but I am still very happy with the alarm system that I created using Arduino. It was a really fun experiment and interesting to watch my cat interact with it. In a way, getting electrocuted felt like karma for trying to splash water on my cat.

The final set up with the servomotor that hurt me

The final

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