Monday, April 8, 2019

Raindrops on the moon

I started playing around with the background image example, I mainly changed the line moving down into multiple ellipses moving downwards, giving the impression of rain.

First, I defined three arrays for a certain amount of raindrops which store the speed, y and x coordinate of each raindrop. 

As part of the block of the setup function, I kept the background image of the space station on the moon and assigned a value to all elements of the arrays (using a for-loop), some of which are random (like speed and x coordinate), one is a constant (y coordinate, which I initialized to zero).

Within the draw function, I created another for-loop, in which the y coordinate is increased by the speed assigned to the individual raindrop in each repetition of the draw function.
To make the raindrops reappear once they reach the bottom edge of the picture, I introduced an if-clause (similar to the clause that was already there in the example) which resets the x value to a random value and the y value to zero.

Here is the original code:

 * Background Image.
 * This example presents the fastest way to load a background image
 * into Processing. To load an image as the background, it must be
 * the same width and height as the program.

PImage bg;
int y;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  // The background image must be the same size as the parameters
  // into the size() method. In this program, the size of the image
  // is 640 x 360 pixels.
  bg = loadImage("moonwalk.jpg");

void draw() {
  stroke(226, 204, 0);
  line(0, y, width, y);
  if (y > height) {
    y = 0;


Here is my code:

 * This is an example of a loop which produces multiple objects with random values on top of a background image.

PImage bg;
int amountOfRaindrops = 10;
float[] speed = new float[amountOfRaindrops];
float[] x = new float[amountOfRaindrops];
float[] y = new float[amountOfRaindrops];

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  bg = loadImage("moonwalk.jpg");
  // initializes start values for raindrops
   for (int i = 0; i< amountOfRaindrops; i++) {
    // raindrops are colored with a shade of blue
    // y will change in draw function

void draw() {
   for (int i = 0; i< amountOfRaindrops; i++){
   // if statement resets raindrop to the top of the image if raindrop reached the bottom edge
     if (y[i]>height) {
    // for each execution of the for loop, the speed will be added to the y position of each raindrop
    y[i] += speed[i];
    // a raindrop will be drawn with a hard coded size and changing x and y values.

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