As computing becomes more ubiquitous in our objects, designers need to be more aware of how to design meaningful interactions into electronically enhanced objects. At the University of Washington, a class of junior Interaction Design majors is exploring this question. These pages chronicle their efforts.

Monday, June 6, 2016

4, 5, 6. Holly and Ying's Sensing, Logic, and Actuation Description

Since this critique, we ended up purchasing an Adafruit Dotstar LED strip (rather than individual LEDs). This wasn't just less costly, but also would be more efficient and the LEDs are in a protected strip, rather than having to be individually sewn inside of the pillow. Missing from this list are the two Anker portable chargers that we are using as battery packs for the sensor and lamp's Arduinos respectively. 

As far as a our logic goes, we ditched the expression-making feature of the lamp and instead used color and brightness to indicate an approaching object's proximity to the sensor.

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